mortenroyale[ENG]: Clash Royale Removed the Book from the Season Shop…

Clash Royale has made a controversial change by removing the book of cards from the season shop, replacing it with a magic coin. Mortenroyale[ENG] discusses the community's reaction and the implications of this change.

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Griot the NPC

Clash Royale has made a controversial change by removing the book of cards from the season shop, replacing it with a magic coin. Mortenroyale[ENG] discusses the community’s reaction and the implications of this change.

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Key Takeaways:

  • Clash Royale has removed the book of cards from the season shop and replaced it with a magic coin.
  • The community has expressed negative reactions to this change, as the book of cards was highly valued for upgrading cards.
  • Players feel that the abundance of free gold given by Supercell in recent events is now wasted, as they lack the necessary cards to upgrade.

Community Reaction:

The community has expressed disappointment and frustration with Clash Royale’s decision to remove the book of cards from the season shop. Many players relied on the book of cards to upgrade their decks and felt that its removal was unnecessary and detrimental to their progress. They also feel that the communication from Supercell regarding this change has been lacking, with no clear explanation or justification provided.

Implications for Free-to-Play Players:

Free-to-play players, in particular, have been affected by this change. The magic coin, which replaced the book of cards, is seen as less valuable and useful for upgrading cards. Players now find themselves with an abundance of free gold from previous events but lacking the necessary cards to spend it on. This has led to frustration and a sense of wasted resources.

Community Suggestions:

The community has suggested several ways to address this issue. Some players propose increasing the price of the season shop to make it more challenging to obtain, while others suggest adding a variety of books for different rarities. There are also calls for better communication from Supercell regarding changes and updates, as players feel left in the dark about the reasoning behind certain decisions.