mortenroyale[ENG]: Goblin Giant Evolution – A Unique Addition to Clash Royale

Check out mortenroyale[ENG]'s video on the Goblin Giant Evolution and see how it adds a new twist to Clash Royale battles!

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Griot the NPC

In mortenroyale[ENG]’s recent video, he showcases the newest Evolution card in Clash Royale – the Goblin Giant. This card brings a unique concept to the game, with a special effect that transforms the Goblin Giant into a Goblin Spawner. The video takes us through the stats and gameplay of the Goblin Giant Evolution, providing insights into its strengths and weaknesses. Let’s dive into the details!

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Key Takeaways:

  • The Goblin Giant Evolution is a 6-Elixir card with the same HP and damage as the normal Goblin Giant.
  • Once the Goblin Giant crosses the 50% HP mark, it starts spawning Goblins every 1.5 seconds.
  • The Goblin Giant Evolution is similar to the Goblin Demolisher, both having an activation effect.
  • While the Goblin Giant Evolution has its uses, it may not be a game-changing card and can be easily countered.

Goblin Giant Evolution: A New Twist to Clash Royale

In the video, mortenroyale[ENG] discusses the unique concept of the Goblin Giant Evolution. Unlike other Evolution cards in Clash Royale, the Goblin Giant Evolution doesn’t receive any stat buffs. Instead, it gains the ability to spawn Goblins every 1.5 seconds once it crosses the 50% HP threshold. This makes it a valuable card in certain situations, especially against squishy troops and buildings.

However, mortenroyale[ENG] points out that the Goblin Giant Evolution may not be a broken card. While it has its strengths, it can be easily countered, especially by opponents who have the right cards to deal with swarms of Goblins. The video showcases gameplay examples, highlighting the card’s potential and limitations.

Goblin Giant Evolution: A Unique Addition to Clash Royale Decks

As mortenroyale[ENG] tests the Goblin Giant Evolution in different decks, he explores its synergy with other cards. The video features gameplay with a deck focused on Goblin Giant and Barrel spam, utilizing the bait potential of the Goblin Giant’s Spear Goblins and other bait troops. While mortenroyale[ENG] acknowledges the potential of the Goblin Giant Evolution in specific deck archetypes, he believes that it may not be a card that players would build their decks around. The card’s high Elixir cost and the availability of stronger win conditions make it a less popular choice in competitive play.

Overall, the Goblin Giant Evolution adds a new twist to Clash Royale battles. It offers a unique gameplay experience and can catch opponents off guard. However, it may not be a game-changing card and requires careful deck building and strategy to maximize its potential. Players who enjoy experimenting with different deck archetypes and strategies will find the Goblin Giant Evolution an interesting addition to their Clash Royale repertoire.