Mozambique Shotgun: Apex Legends Weapon Guide

The Mozambique Shotgun is a conspiracy by wrist doctors to create more patients - because you’ll definitely need to see a doctor after firing this gun.

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Ursine Warrior

The Mozambique Shotgun is not quite my cup of tea. Usually, the guns I’d consider “bad” have a redeeming factor about them that makes them charming, that same factor is a bit hard to find in the Mozambique Shotgun. Conceptually, it’s a compact shotgun that’s about the size of a handgun. Thankfully, this thing only exists in a video game, cause if it existed in real life we’d see a drastic spike in wrist injuries. 

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In Defense of the Mozambique Shotgun

While it may not be the best weapon in the game, there’s at least one situation in which it can shine, and that’s the scramble at the beginning of the match. I can’t even count how many times I’ve dropped with an enemy team right on our tail. In those situations, any weapon that you can find is a good weapon, even the Mozambique. While I’d personally prefer an R-301 or a C.A.R. SMG, beggars can’t be choosers. But, give it 5 minutes into the match and the Mozambique becomes practically obsolete. By that time you’d have ideally found an EVA-8 if you want to continue running a shotgun, or something else entirely. 

Stats of the Mozambique Shotgun

Now let’s see how the Mozambique compares to the other shotguns. 

Head (1.25x)5723444
HeadLvl. 15423445
HeadLvl. 25123445
HeadLvl. 3/44834455
Legs (1x)4534455

Poorly… extremely poorly. The other shotguns far outmatch it. Guns like the Peacekeeper produce a wallop, while the Mozambique produces a gentle caress at best. This is why most players tend to hold on to the Mozambique for about as long as is required (give or take 5 minutes), before upgrading to another gun. 

Attachments for the Mozambique Shotgun

Here’s what you can attach to the Mozambique.

  • Shotgun Bolt
  • 1x HCOG “Classic”
  • 1x Holo
  • 1x-2x Variable Holo
  • 2x HCOG “Bruiser”
  • 1x Digital Threat

Even when it comes to attachments it’s unimpressive. There’s not a lot that you can put onto this thing, and even then, the attachments that you can put on don’t really help it out that much.

Ideal Mozambique Shotgun Set-Up

Now, if you’re really set on using the Mozambique, this is how you should go about equipping it.

Find a shotgun bolt as soon as possible, these are pretty common, so it shouldn’t be that hard to find one fast, follow that up with either a 1x HCOG “Classic” or a 2x HCOG “Bruiser”. Surprisingly, you don’t have to aim down sight to hit something with the Mozambique, if anything, it will actually hamper your ability to hit something. You want to fire this thing from the hip and fan the trigger like John Wayne. 

The Mozambique Shotgun Compared to the Wingman 

Comparing the Mozambique with the rest of the shotguns is a bit meaningless as there’s no way it can compete with the performance of its brethren. It’s much better to compare it to something like the Wingman. Functionally, the Mozambique and the Wingman should be used in the same way; you get near your enemies and you fan the trigger until they disappear.

Mozambique Shotgun Inspect
Image via Apex Legends In-Game Screenshot

 But, unlike the Wingman, the Mozambique is only limited to close-range engagements, hitting anything past a few dozen yards is no less than a miracle. The Wingman on the other hand can be used occasionally to snipe a target here or there, it’s unlikely, but not impossible. 

Potential Balance Changes for the Mozambique Shotgun in the Future

As it currently stands, the Mozambique’s performance leaves more to be desired. It’s not competitive with the other shotguns, hardly competitive with the pistols even, and definitely not something you’d want to hold on to for more than 5 minutes into a match. It desperately needs an increase to its damage or even a rework for it to be viable in the future. 

Key Takeaways for the Mozambique Shotgun

  • Only useful in the first 5 minutes of the match
  • Attachments don’t help it much
  • Cannot compete with the other shotguns and barely competes with the pistols 
  • In short, it’s probably one of the worse guns in the game