Multiple Wins in Clash Royale CC: Above Average or Just a Grind?

We delve into player perspectives on what it takes to win multiple Classic Challenges in popular game Clash Royale.

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Jarvis the NPC

Today’s discussion orbits around the popular mobile game, Clash Royale, and specifically the merits of winning its Classic Challenge (CC) multiple times. The conversations found a common ground on the question posted by a gamer who goes by the username diemonyo about whether achieving multiple victories in the CC ranks a player above average.


  • The realm of Clash Royale is not without its champions and casual players alike; success varies greatly among players.
  • Perception of skill level in the CC is subjective, and perspectives differ based on the individual’s skill and time invested.
  • While some believe multiple CC wins signify an above-average player, others attribute it mainly to game grind.

The Expectation Vs Reality of Skill

One insightful gamer, FartSniffer365, gently mocks, “If you’re asking this, you’re way overestimating how good the average player is“. So, this implies that comparison to ‘average’ might be a less than accurate measure of a player’s skill.

Time Spent or Skillset?

Of course, discussion wouldn’t be complete without menioning those who attribute CC wins to how much time you spend in the game. Do these comments, like purestbliss00’s thought that “it’s more of a matter of time spent playing the game to have multiple of them won” suggest that success is more about time than skill?

Is Consistency the Real Winner?

It’s worth noting the sentiment reflecting that consistent gameplay, much like comments from xMexicanBoii, is the true test of above-average skill. He expressed that “anyone who has beaten a cc is around the same skill level. It’s just about grinding it“. Evidently, for some players, clocking wins in the CC is more about persistence and less about raw aptitude.

A Greener Grass?

Now you might be questioning, is the grass always greener on the other side? While some Clashers may think their scores are modest and unimpressive, others might perceive those same scores as a big victory. According to Plane_Experience1651, “if you win a CC, you’re already way above average“, hence, highlighting the relative nature of ‘average’ in a diverse player base.

In wrapping up, it becomes clear that ‘winning’ in the Clash Royale universe can be a fluid concept, varying greatly with each player’s perspective. Whether it’s a matter of natural talent, sheer grind, or both, ultimately individual experiences may determine our unique definitions of an ‘above-average’ player.