MurderInc I Diablo 4: Is D4 Actually a Good Game?

"D4 is bad" has been a trending topic, but MurderInc I Diablo 4 believes that Diablo 4 is actually a good game.

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D4 is bad has been a trending topic for a very long time now, with many streamers and gamers expressing their disappointment in Diablo 4. However, MurderInc I Diablo 4 has a different perspective on the game. In his video titled “D4 is? Honest Review Season 2 Diablo 4,” he shares his honest review and insights on the current state of Diablo 4.

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Key Takeaways

  • MurderInc I Diablo 4 believes that Diablo 4 is actually a good game, despite the negative feedback it has received.
  • He praises the fun and engaging gameplay of the Barbarian class, but acknowledges that other classes may have different experiences.
  • He appreciates the improvements made in Season 2, such as the new Helltide vampire zone and the addition of vampire mercenaries.
  • However, he also highlights areas for improvement, including the issue of nightmare dungeons with doors and the value of forgotten souls as a resource.

The Good and the Bad

MurderInc I Diablo 4 shares his positive experiences with Diablo 4, particularly as a Barbarian player. He finds the gameplay fun and engaging, especially with the new Helltide zone and vampire mercenaries. He also praises the improvements made in Season 2, such as better leveling options and the addition of good cosmetics.

However, he also points out some issues that he believes need to be addressed. One of these is the problem with nightmare dungeons that require players to open doors, which can be frustrating and interrupt the flow of gameplay. He suggests keeping all doors open to improve the overall experience.

Another concern he raises is the value of forgotten souls, which are currently the most valuable resource in the game. He suggests integrating forgotten souls into the new season mechanic or connecting them to the Tree of Whispers to make their acquisition more engaging.

The Future of Diablo 4

MurderInc I Diablo 4 speculates about the future of Diablo 4 and suggests a new type of competitive content similar to Last Epoch’s endless waves. He believes that adding an endless wave survival mode with increasing difficulty and challenging boss encounters would be a great addition to the game.

He also discusses the issue of balancing and suggests ways to make certain substats more viable and improve the overall itemization. He believes that reducing the number of sub-stats and focusing on making characters stronger and more powerful would enhance the gameplay experience.

Overall, MurderInc I Diablo 4 is optimistic about the future of Diablo 4 and believes that the game has the potential to become even better with further updates and improvements.