MurderInc I Diablo 4: Pray this Build Survives! Barbarian Season 2 Build Theory I Diablo 4

Discover MurderInc's theory on a powerful Barbarian minion build for Season 2 in Diablo 4. Will it survive?

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Discover MurderInc’s theory on a powerful Barbarian minion build for Season 2 in Diablo 4. MurderInc revisits his previous upheaval build and incorporates the use of Call of the Ancients to create a high-damage, high-survivability build. He discusses the various vampiric powers, cooldown reduction, and berserking uptime that contribute to the effectiveness of the build. MurderInc also explores the potential issues and concerns with the build and offers alternative options. Overall, he expresses his excitement for Season 2 and the potential of this build.

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Key Takeaways:

  • MurderInc explores a powerful Barbarian minion build for Season 2 in Diablo 4.
  • The build incorporates the use of Call of the Ancients to enhance damage and survivability.
  • Vampiric powers, cooldown reduction, and berserking uptime are crucial components of the build.
  • MurderInc discusses potential issues and alternative options for the build.

Exploring the Barbarian Minion Build for Season 2

MurderInc begins by revisiting his previous upheaval build, which proved to be fast and high-damage. He highlights the upcoming buffs to upheaval in Season 2 and introduces the use of hellhammer, which was significantly buffed from Season 1. To make the build work, MurderInc relies on Call of the Ancients, which counts as a minion or companion for the Barbarian. This skill provides a chance to gain primary resource and increase damage done by 10% for 4 seconds, offering a significant damage boost. However, MurderInc emphasizes the importance of not copying the build until it is tested and verified in Season 2, as Blizzard often makes changes that can affect build viability.

Vampiric Powers and Cooldown Reduction

MurderInc discusses the vampiric powers available for the build and their potential impact. He highlights resilience, which provides damage reduction while injured, and domination, which increases damage against stunned enemies. The build also utilizes anticipation, which grants increased damage for each nearby enemy affected by damage over time. MurderInc acknowledges that the build assumes hellhammer’s burning damage over time counts as a damage over time effect for these powers. He also discusses the challenge of stacking vampiric powers and the need for a well-rounded distribution of these powers.

Berserking Uptime and Skill Combos

The build aims to maximize berserking uptime through various sources, including the steel grasp skill and the leap and ground stomp skills. MurderInc explains how the combination of these skills and the use of call of the Ancients can lead to high berserking uptime. He also considers the potential use of violent upheaval instead of furious upheaval for better stacking of the six stacks required for maximum damage. Additionally, MurderInc explores the use of the unique helmet Tusk Helm of Joritz the Mighty, which grants cooldown reduction and increased damage while berserking.

Other Aspects and Considerations

MurderInc briefly touches on other aspects of the build, such as the use of ancestral echoes to summon additional ancients and the potential bug that allows earthquake-related damage reduction and bonus to apply regardless of the source. He also mentions the use of flicker step to reduce ultimate cooldown by evading enemies. Additionally, MurderInc discusses the need for crit rate and the potential use of Mortal draw or dexterity stacking to improve crit rate since hellhammer’s effectiveness relies on crits. He concludes by expressing his excitement for the build and promising to provide a viable leveling guide for Season 2.