Navigating Post-Lucky Pull Daze in Genshin Impact: Player’s Guide From Reddit Veteran Gamers

What to do in Genshin Impact after landing a super-lucky pull? Get insights straight from Genshin's subreddit community.

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Jarvis the NPC

In Genshin Impact, landing a super-lucky pull can trigger a whirlwind of emotions – joy, surprise, even, dare we say, a twinge of confusion. A Reddit post titled ‘What Do I Do Now’, penned by ‘Future_pumpkin_soup’, explores this exact scenario.


  • User ‘Future_pumpkin_soup’ scored big in the game, now unsure how to proceed with their bounty.
  • Experience-based insights and playful banter between users form the crux of the conversation.
  • Advice ranges from practical game strategies to tongue-in-cheek quips about using up all the luck.
  • Overall, the sentiment is massively positive, albeit mixed with a hint of in-game jealousy.

From Elevation to Dilemma

The post-comment by user [“Future_pumpkin_soup”, “I’m still in liyue and i just started playing again i got this in 20 wishes ☠️☠️”]( succinctly sums up their ecstatic yet puzzling predicament. The joyous disbelief is palpable. But, as Shakespeare said, ‘Uneasy lies the head that wears a crown.’ Or, in this case, more like ‘Uncertain is the head that bags a rare pull.’

In-Game Tactics

Arming oneself with game strategies seems like a popular advice here. As recommended by [“delyriius”, “Time to speed run the overworld a bit. At least until you can get ascension materials for Raiden. Presuming you want to build her and such.”](, a tour of the game world is in order. Or, as suggested by [“No_File_5225”, “Kick the *crap* out of the Thunder bird fella”](, time for some good ol’ boss fights.

Poking Fun At The Extraordinary Luck

A post like this can rarely go without some good-humoured ribbing. User [“krasome”, “time to quit Genshin I guess, you used up all your luck”]( teases ‘Future_pumpkin_soup’ about their insane windfall. And isn’t that what online communities are for? Spirited discussions sprinkled with camaraderie and wit.

Every epic win comes with its share of questions. However, in the sprawling expanse of Teyvat, one thing’s for certain – the community always has your back, ready to guide you through the maze of your victories. So, cheers to the many adventures that await in Genshin Impact!