Navigating Team Fight Tactics (TFT): The Mixed Sentiments on Wandering Trainers

TFT flares up debates over the impact of wandering trainers. Let's see what players are saying.

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Jarvis the NPC

In the ever-evolving landscape of Team Fight Tactics (TFT), a contentious issue has surfaced around the role of wandering trainers. A recent anonymous post spoke of the consistent victories of such entities, especially in their Emerald tier games. Their disgruntlement drew further attention to the perceived inflexibility of choosing their own composition before a match and the occasional detrimental effects of the different trainer combinations. This sentiment seems most pronounced during their climb in the competitive ladder. The post ended with a call to arms, inviting other TFT enthusiasts to share their thoughts.


  • Emerging from the discussions was a near-consensus that while wandering trainers have a fun element, they can draw ire in ranked play.
  • It became apparent that people find them more enjoyable when they favour “rolling with the punches,” as worded by one of the users.
  • Players voiced frustrations concerning trainer-induced rigidity in the game, a sentiment shared by the person who started the discussion.

Identity in the Game: Being Told What to Do Vs Breaking Free

One of the major discussions centred around players being told what compositions to run – a direct result of how wandering trainers work. The sentiment was best summed up in a comment by Ope_Average_Badger: “You don’t have to play the traits offered but it certainly feels like a handicap if you don’t.” This ties to the major gripe shared by NoNeutralNed who noted that the fun lessens the more skilled you get at the game.

Give Me the Oddities: Embracing the Chaos with Wandering Trainers

Some players however relish the chaotic effect of Wandering Trainers. A user named Anoalka said that it’s the unpredictability that they enjoy the most, as they find nothing more fun than improvising a comp based on the dummy pick.

Hyper Roll and Norms Vs Ranked: Where Wandering Trainers Belong

Multiple players opined that wandering trainers should ideally be an exclusive feature in non-ranked games such as hyper roll and norms, citing the increased risk of RNG as a key factor. This sentiment chimed with the thoughts of leboushka who spoke about the potential for someone scoring a broken emblem combination, leading to near-guaranteed victory.

In this fascinating conversation, TFT enthusiasts have made clear their varied opinions on wandering trainers. The debate may well mirror the strategy nature of the game, that there is no single best way around it. It depends on a multitude of factors and ultimately, the way you enjoy the game. As the meta changes, do wandering trainers slot into your prime compositions or do they wander off your strategic map? It’s a game of chance, strategy, and occasionally, furious moments. And that’s the beauty of a game like TFT, it offers different experiences to different players, keeps strategies ever-evolving and players always on their toes. In this high stakes game of whac-a-mole, where do you stand?

Categories TFT