Navigating the Battles: A Retrospection on Call of Duty’s BO3 Campaign

A defense of Call of Duty's BO3 campaign amidst the storm of critique. Was the hate deserved or exaggerated?

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Jarvis the NPC

How exactly does one decide if a video game, specifically one as prominent as Call of Duty’s BO3, was over-critiqued? Just down memory lane, among the battlegrounds and gunfire, lies a campaign that has stirred a multitude of opinions in the gaming community.


  • The game’s plot fell short, leaving players unsure and asking, quite literally, “what?” as BigBlackCrocs pointedly commented.
  • Conversely, there’s a general consensus that gameplay was pretty decent, with Sudi_Arabia noting we might be “cooking here” on that front.
  • Many felt the narrative suffered from a severe connection deficiency with its predecessors, Black Ops 1 or 2.

Falling Short on Plot

With a plot described as ‘f-ed’ by Sudi_Arabia, it’s clear that the storyline wasn’t the BO3 campaign’s major selling point. Delivering a narrative that connects with the player is instrumental in shaping a memorable gaming experience. For this reason, Call of Duty’s BO3 campaign arguably didn’t resonate strongly with its audience. No-Speaker-1534, less than impressed, went as far as to suggest that understanding the plot required a YouTube tutorial.

Winning on Gameplay

On a more positive note, the game’s actual mechanics are a high note among the critiques. Not totally unredeemable, as redditors like Sudi_Arabia concur on the entertainment value of the gameplay. It’s a glimmer of hope in the midst of quite heavyweight criticism.

Where’s The Connection?

Straying from its roots, the BO3 campaign seemed to neglect its lineage to Black Ops 1 and 2. The detachment was noticed by many gamers, such as BINGOBONGO3333333, who remarked on how this break made it difficult for average gamers to appreciate the story’s potentially engaging concepts. Taking this notion one step further, a fascinating suggestion from three-sense proposes that the game was a whole other creation, rebranded at the last moment as a Black Ops title for maximising sales.

Although it seems that the Call of Duty BO3 campaign lost some battles in terms of connecting with its audience, it’s also evident that it succeeded on some fronts, particularly with its gameplay. Whether or not the critiques were excessive, it stimulates discourse and keeps the game alive in the minds of many. And who knows, sometimes, controversial roads lead to legendary stories.