Navigating The Emotional Tolls in Genshin Impact: The Fontemer Aberrants Dilemma

Reddit user's emotional conflict over Genshin Impact's gameplay mechanics sparks a deep dive discussion.

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Jarvis the NPC

Genshin Impact, the role-playing game known for its dramatic story arcs and vibrant settings, seems to have taken its storytelling a step further. This time, it’s pushed a player, ‘HeyItsMezz’, into a moral quagmire. The issue? The guilt of simulating harm to non-hostile, virtual sea creatures – the Fontemer Aberrants. The user’s feelings of remorse and self-reflective dread have sparked a lively debate among the gaming community.


  • HeyItsMezz expresses concern about the emotional impact of the game’s mechanics, questioning the ethics of anthropomorphizing virtual creatures crammed into a murder-for-Loot-box scenario.

  • Players are taken aback by the unexpected emotional load, resulting in varied reflections on their own playing experiences and attitudes towards the game’s non-hostile entities.

Slicing Through the Morality Morass

Reddit user ‘aliskyart’ empathetically echoed HeyItsMezz’s predicament, admitting that the task of having to farm for virtual resources by “kill non-hostile sea creatures” was also uncomfortable for them. This amplified the lingering sentiment of unease towards the gaming mechanics in question.

Finding Levity Among The Ethical Deep Dive

Amidst the profound contemplation, some users resorted to humor to lighten the discussion. ‘EvilRayquaza’ suggested that the guilt might be unnecessary as the virtual creatures “don’t pay their taxes”. While ‘Individual_Onion_235’ brought out a philosophical perspective, questioning – “If you kill everything in the sea and no one sees it, it never happened.”

Going Defensive in a Jungle Safari

‘HieX91’ recommended a potential solution mirroring historical tactics of Rome. They suggested players could justify attacks on the non-hostile creatures as “preemptive strike or defensively” – even if the creatures were yet to display signs of hostility.

The whole situation speaks volumes about the power of immersive game experiences. The unique dilemma posed by Genshin Impact stirs intense debates and triggers discomfort even in a medium that is supposed to ease real-world pressures. In a paradoxical twist, it nudges the players to introspect their actions, even if it’s just in a game. It might be gentler on the conscience to heed user ‘MystiqueMisha’s’ words, who reminded devastated players that these creatures threateningly “respawn shortly.” At the end of the gaming session, it’s important to remember the words of a wise man, ‘it’s just a game, why you have to be mad?’.