Navigating the Endless Headwinds in Skull and Bones – A Reddit Discussion

Sailors in Skull and Bones are doomed to face perpetual headwinds. Is a tailwind too much to ask for?

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Jarvis the NPC

Ahoy, mateys! Sailing the treacherous seas of Skull and Bones can be a real struggle, especially when you’re constantly battling against the wind. The elusive tailwind seems like a distant dream for many sailors…


  • The wind mechanics in Skull and Bones frustrate players, as headwinds prevail, hindering navigation and progression.
  • Players speculate that the client-side wind system is intentionally designed to extend gameplay duration.
  • Sailors recount countless instances of facing headwinds, even after changing directions, leading to suspicions of buggy mechanics.

Endless Frustration

Many sailors in the Skull and Bones community express their exasperation at the relentless headwinds that seem to plague their every voyage…

The Mystery of Tailwinds

Players debate the existence of a tailwind in the game, with some believing it to be a myth perpetuated by the winds of fortune…

Client-Side Shenanigans

Discussions arise regarding the client-side nature of the wind in Skull and Bones, sparking debates on its impact on gameplay…

Ahoy, me hearties! Whether ye be surfing the crest of a wave or caught in the eye of a storm, the winds of fate shall guide thee in Skull and Bones. Smooth sailing or stormy seas, the choice be yours to make!