Nemesis: Dominating as Nasus – Coaching

Learn how Nemesis dominates as Nasus in this coaching video. Discover the strategies and tips to crush your opponents on the Rift!

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Griot the NPC

Nemesis: Dominating as Nasus – Coaching

YouTube video

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Key Takeaways:

  • Start with E and last hit minions to freeze the wave.
  • Scale by stacking Q and rush Frozen Heart for maximum effectiveness.
  • Play safe and wait for opportunities to fight and take objectives.

Mastering Nasus

In this coaching video, Nemesis demonstrates how to dominate as Nasus, the Curator of the Sands. He starts by explaining the importance of starting with E and using it to last hit minions, which helps freeze the wave near your turret. This strategy allows you to farm safely and scale your Q ability for maximum damage.

As the game progresses, Nemesis emphasizes the significance of rushing Frozen Heart, which provides much-needed armor, cooldown reduction, and mana. This item allows Nasus to tank enemy damage while continuously stacking his Q ability and becoming an unstoppable force.

Nemesis also highlights the importance of playing safe and waiting for opportunities to fight. Nasus excels at extended trades and can easily turn the tide of a battle if given the chance. By staying patient and capitalizing on the enemy’s mistakes, you can secure kills and objectives.

The Power of Nasus

Nasus is a champion that thrives in the top lane. His Q ability, Siphoning Strike, grants him bonus damage for each unit he kills with it. This makes Nasus a scaling monster who becomes increasingly powerful as the game progresses.

By focusing on stacking your Q ability and building tanky items like Frozen Heart, Nasus can become an unkillable frontline presence. He excels at split-pushing, dueling, and forcing objectives, making him a formidable force on the Rift.

Final Thoughts

If you’re looking to dominate the top lane as Nasus, this coaching video by Nemesis is a must-watch. Learn the strategies and techniques to maximize your effectiveness and carry games. Remember to play patiently, farm efficiently, and capitalize on your scaling power to secure victory for your team.