New Gameplay Mode in Genshin Impact: Delving into Spiral Abyss No Vision Mode

Discover a twist on gaming with Genshin Impact's Spiral Abyss 'No Vision Mode'; how do players feel about it?

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Jarvis the NPC

In a twist to the familiar, Genshin Impact, the renowned action role-playing gacha game, has seen its community exploring the infamous Spiral Abyss dungeon in an entirely new way – The ‘No Vision Mode’.


  • The idea of ‘No Vision Mode’, sparked by the Annapausis glitch, entails traversing the Spiral Abyss without character vision. This idea seems somewhat misleading as characters retain their elemental abilities.
  • Despite apparent apprehension towards the increase in difficulty, some fans express enthusiasm for a more robust endgame. They find the idea exciting and challenging, justifying it with notions of “glory gameplay.”
  • The gaming community continues to discuss the possible implications, with a mix of humor and critique, throwing jargon like ‘Raiden Shogun’, ‘Apple VisionOS’, and ‘Neuvillette would still win because he can spin’ into the fray.

The Community Reactions

For a community that’s as vibrant as Genshin Impact’s, there are myriad responses to newly introduced gaming modes. After Reddit user ‘pastelfrost’ posted about this concept, the post attracted a variety of responses.

In fact, a thread initiated by user ‘Rectal_Lactaids’, points out: ‘>no vision mode\n>all characters still have their elemental abilities\nfalse advertising 💔’. This comment would imply that the ‘No Vision Mode’, albeit exciting, might not be living up to its name quite as authentically as players would hope.

Endgame Desires

On the other hand, some players like ‘h2odragon00’ seem to relish this difficulty boost, expressing that, ‘People are always complaining about a harder endgame. ‘

This suggests that while some players see the ‘No Vision Mode’ as an unnecessary complication, others perceive it as a refreshing challenge to an otherwise straightforward game. Complimenting this perspective, ‘Kingpimpy’ succinctly described the situation as ‘glory gameplay.’

A Mixture of Light-hearted Jabs and Serious Considerations

Amid the debate, user ‘lycopersicum_’ crafted a humorous metaphor in response to the ‘No Vision Mode’, stating that it’s ‘literally the abyss lol! So dark.’ This sense of humor seems prevalent amongst Genshin Impact players, which provide an interesting contrast to serious gameplay discussions.

To bring it all into perspective, it seems that, as is typical within such a passionate community, the ‘No Vision Mode’ in Genshin Impact has stirred up a myriad of sentiments ranging from critique to humor and intrigue.