NickTew: SoD BEST Hunter Runes POST NERF Highest DPS – Best Talents, Pets, & Runes

Learn the best hunter runes, talents, pets, and more post-nerf in this informative video by NickTew.

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Recently, Blizzard has been nerfing hunter pets, causing many players to question the best runes, talents, and pets to use. In this video, NickTew provides all the information needed to optimize your character and achieve high DPS in raids. Despite the nerfs, hunters are still strong and capable of dealing significant damage. NickTew discusses the impact of the nerfs, the best talent builds, and the ideal pets to use. Whether you prefer Beast Mastery or Chimera Shot, this video has you covered. Let’s dive into the key takeaways from NickTew’s video:

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Key Takeaways:

  • Beast Mastery is still recommended for most players, as it is easier to play and provides a flat increase in pet damage.
  • Chimera Shot can be viable, but it requires good gear and weapon damage to outperform Beast Mastery.
  • If playing Beast Mastery, it is recommended to switch from Wind Serpent to a cat pet due to the focus regeneration nerf.
  • For Chimera Shot, the choice of pet is less significant, but cats with a 2.0 attack speed or a Wind Serpent with Lightning Breath III are recommended.

Nerfs and Talent Builds

The recent nerfs to hunter pets include the removal of the Boon of Black Fathom World buff and a reduction in Beast Master Rune bonus health, damage, and focus regen. Chimera Shot’s weapon damage and mana cost were adjusted. Despite these changes, playing Beast Mastery with a focus on pet damage is still the optimal talent build for most players. Chimera Shot can excel with good gear and weapon damage, but it requires more precise gameplay and resource management.

Choosing the Right Pet

For Beast Mastery, swapping from a Wind Serpent to a cat pet is recommended due to the focus regeneration nerf. Cats with a 2.0 attack speed, such as Ghost Saber or Echeyakee, are ideal. If playing Chimera Shot, the choice of pet is less significant, but a cat or a Wind Serpent with Lightning Breath III are recommended. Raptors can also be viable due to their 2.0 attack speed, but they lack certain abilities for future phases.

Rotation and Rune Choices

The rotation for hunters varies depending on the talent build. For Chimera Shot, NickTew suggests using multi-shot and Chimera Shot on cooldown, applying Serpent Sting, and incorporating melee weaves with Raptor Strike. For Beast Mastery, the focus is on multi-shot, Serpent Sting, and melee weaving with Raptor Strike. It is important to practice and find a rotation that works best for your playstyle.

Despite the nerfs, hunters can still achieve high DPS in raids. By following NickTew’s recommendations on talent builds, pet choices, and rotations, hunters can optimize their damage output and continue to excel in the game.