Nightblue3: AD Twisted Fate is back? (#1 WIN RATE TOP LANER)

Nightblue3 explores the resurgence of AD Twisted Fate in the top lane and shares his thoughts on the build and playstyle.

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Nightblue3 explores the resurgence of AD Twisted Fate in the top lane and shares his thoughts on the build and playstyle. He goes over the key items, runes, and strategies that make AD Twisted Fate a strong pick in the current meta. Watch the full video below to learn more:

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Key Takeaways:

  • AD Twisted Fate is currently the highest win rate top laner in patch 14.11.
  • The build focuses on items like Static Shiv, Rapid Fire Cannon, and Kraken Slayer.
  • AD Twisted Fate excels against melee top laners and benefits from the recent ADC crit item rework.

Build and Playstyle:

Nightblue3 starts the game with Doran’s Ring for easier CSing and transitions into AD items like Static Shiv, Rapid Fire Cannon, and Kraken Slayer. He emphasizes the importance of playing passively early against difficult matchups and focusing on farming. As AD Twisted Fate, he takes advantage of his range to poke opponents and push waves. He also highlights the significance of the recent ADC crit item rework in boosting AD Twisted Fate’s win rate.

AD Twisted Fate in Action:

Nightblue3 showcases his gameplay as AD Twisted Fate in the top lane. He demonstrates his ability to outscale opponents and make impactful plays with his ultimate. His high attack speed and critical strike chance allow him to deal significant damage in team fights. He also mentions the effectiveness of the Wild Rift Arrows item, which has a high win rate on AD Twisted Fate.

AD Twisted Fate is a viable and strong pick in the top lane, especially against melee champions. The build and playstyle highlighted by Nightblue3 can help players find success with AD Twisted Fate in their games. Whether you’re a Twisted Fate main or looking to try out a new top lane champion, AD Twisted Fate is worth considering.