Nightblue3: Exploring V and W Champions in the Jungle | A-Z Jungle #13

Join Nightblue3 as he takes on the challenge of playing every V and W champion in the jungle and shares his thoughts on each one.

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Jarvis the NPC

Nightblue3 is back with another exciting episode of his A-Z Jungle series. In this video, he takes on the challenge of playing every champion starting with the letters V and W in the jungle. He aims to win a game with each champion before moving on to the next one on the list. Along the way, he also provides a tier list to rank each champion based on how they felt while jungling.

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Key Takeaways:

  • Nightblue3 takes on the challenge of playing every V and W champion in the jungle.
  • He aims to win a game with each champion before moving on to the next one.
  • He provides a tier list to rank each champion based on their performance in the jungle.

Exploring V and W Champions in the Jungle

Nightblue3 starts off the video by explaining the concept of his A-Z Jungle series. He is playing every champion in alphabetical order in the jungle and must win a game with each one before moving on to the next. In this episode, he focuses on champions whose names start with the letters V and W.

He begins with Varys jungle, a pick that might raise some eyebrows. Nightblue3 acknowledges that it is an unconventional choice but is willing to give it a try. He anticipates potential invades from the enemy Kha’zix and plans to watch out for it.

Before diving into the gameplay, Nightblue3 introduces Omni Heroes, the sponsor of the video. Omni Heroes is a new heroic fantasy casual strategy RPG that offers both casual and strategic gameplay. He encourages viewers to check it out and provides a link in the video description for exclusive rewards.

As Nightblue3 starts the game, he quickly realizes that Varys jungle is surprisingly strong. He showcases Varys’ abilities and how they synergize well for jungle clears and ganks. With the right positioning and timing, he manages to secure kills and make impactful plays.

Impressed by Varys’ performance, Nightblue3 declares him as his new favorite jungler. He continues to dominate the game and secures objectives like Baron Nashor and Dragon. His team eventually wins the game, and Nightblue3 concludes that Varys jungle is a fun and viable pick.

Next, Nightblue3 moves on to Vayne jungle. He contemplates whether or not to lock in Vayne, as his teammates are hesitant about her viability in the jungle. Eventually, he decides to give it a shot and locks in Vayne.

Throughout the game, Nightblue3 showcases Vayne’s jungle clears and ganking potential. He utilizes her mobility and damage to secure kills and contribute to team fights. Despite some setbacks, his team manages to turn the game around and secure a victory.

After the game, Nightblue3 reflects on his Vayne jungle experience. He acknowledges that Vayne is a troll pick in the jungle with a low win rate, but he is determined to prove her viability. He also shares a Vayne tip, highlighting the ability to cancel the tumble animation against walls.

Following Vayne, Nightblue3 decides to try Victor jungle. He believes that Victor’s passive, which grants hex fragments upon killing enemies, can be beneficial in the jungle. He showcases Victor’s jungle clears and ganking potential, highlighting his ability to stack hex fragments and deal significant damage.

As the game progresses, Nightblue3 continues to make impactful plays and secure kills. His team dominates the game and secures objectives like Baron Nashor. They eventually win the game, and Nightblue3 concludes that Victor jungle is a viable and powerful pick.

The next champion Nightblue3 tackles is Vladimir jungle. He starts off the game with a truce, deciding not to gank the enemy Singed due to their previous interactions. Despite Singed’s attempts to taunt him, Nightblue3 remains focused on his jungle path and objectives.

Nightblue3 showcases Vladimir’s jungle clears and ganking potential, utilizing his abilities to deal damage and sustain himself. He makes impactful plays and secures kills, contributing to his team’s success. Despite some setbacks, his team manages to secure a victory.

After the game, Nightblue3 reflects on his Vladimir jungle experience. He highlights the importance of camping Illaoi before level six to take advantage of her vulnerable early game. He expresses satisfaction with his performance and believes that he can climb the ladder with Vladimir jungle.

The final champion Nightblue3 tries in this episode is Warwick jungle. However, he decides to experiment with AP Warwick instead of the traditional AD build. He showcases Warwick’s jungle clears and ganking potential, highlighting the sustain and damage of his abilities.

Throughout the game, Nightblue3 makes impactful plays and secures kills, utilizing Warwick’s AP build to deal significant damage. Despite some setbacks, his team manages to secure a victory.

After the game, Nightblue3 reflects on his AP Warwick jungle experience. He acknowledges that AP Warwick is not as optimal as the AD build but highlights the fun and potential of the AP playstyle. He expresses satisfaction with his performance and believes that he can climb the ladder with AP Warwick jungle.

Overall, Nightblue3’s exploration of V and W champions in the jungle proves to be an exciting and successful endeavor. He showcases the potential and viability of unconventional jungle picks and demonstrates his skill and adaptability as a player.