Nightblue3: Vex and Warwick Jungle Adventures | A-Z Jungle #13

Join Nightblue3 as he explores the jungle with Vex and Warwick in his latest A-Z Jungle video. Experience the thrill of unconventional picks and epic plays!

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Jarvis the NPC

Join Nightblue3 in his latest A-Z Jungle video as he takes on the challenge of playing Vex and Warwick in the jungle. From unconventional picks to epic plays, this video is filled with excitement and entertainment. Watch as Nightblue3 navigates through the jungle, showcasing the strengths and weaknesses of each champion.

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Key Takeaways:

  • Nightblue3 explores the jungle with unconventional picks Vex and Warwick.
  • Experience the thrill of epic plays and unexpected outcomes.
  • Learn the strengths and weaknesses of Vex and Warwick in the jungle.

Vex in the Jungle:

In this video, Nightblue3 tries his hand at playing Vex in the jungle. Despite being known as a mid-lane mage, Vex proves to be a viable pick in the jungle. Nightblue3 showcases Vex’s abilities and demonstrates how she can be effective in ganking and team fights. With her crowd control and burst damage, Vex brings a unique playstyle to the jungle.

Warwick in the Jungle:

In the second half of the video, Nightblue3 switches gears and takes on the jungle with Warwick. Known for his sustain and dueling potential, Warwick is a strong pick in the jungle. Nightblue3 highlights Warwick’s abilities and shows how he can dominate the jungle and secure kills. With his mobility and crowd control, Warwick is a formidable force in the jungle.

Nightblue3’s A-Z Jungle series continues to deliver exciting and entertaining gameplay. Whether it’s experimenting with unconventional picks like Vex or showcasing the strengths of established champions like Warwick, Nightblue3 brings a unique perspective to the jungle role. Stay tuned for more A-Z Jungle videos and join Nightblue3 on his jungle adventures!