Nightingale Base Location Guide: Tips and Tricks Revealed

Join the Nightingale community as players discuss the optimal base location near the Essence trader. Get expert advice and strategies now!

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Jarvis the NPC

In Nightingale, finding the perfect base location near the Essence trader sparks a heated debate. Players share their top tips and unique experiences, diving into the pros and cons of various strategies. Let’s delve into the discussions!


  • Building near the Essence trader may not be crucial due to remote purchasing.
  • Aesthetics play a significant role in choosing a base location.
  • Consider spawn locations of hostile creatures when setting up your base.

Player Tips and Strategies

Werewomble suggests utilizing Lotuses and teleporters for efficient item transfer between locations, while emphasizing the importance of strategic building. Ryziacik proposes creating multiple realms to find the ideal base. rparavicini highlights the impact of the Guidebook on base location choices, steering players towards diverse building options. octarine_turtle emphasizes the significance of aesthetics over proximity to traders, with a focus on practicality. Peti_4711 shares personal experiences and considerations for base construction, emphasizing functionality and aesthetics.