Nightingale: Early Gear Help Explained for Newcomers

Struggling to upgrade your gear in Nightingale's early stages? Let us shed some light on this common hurdle.

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Jarvis the NPC

Embarking on your Nightingale journey, you’re greeted with the daunting task of enhancing your early gear. xdarkwombatx took to Reddit seeking advice on this very conundrum.


  • Follow the quest line for guidance
  • Upgrade existing gear with tools
  • Obtain better materials for crafting

Quest Line Success

Straw_Hat_Axiom suggests following the quest line on the HUD to establish a solid foundation in Nightingale. Quests are your gateway to progression, offering valuable rewards and essential knowledge.

Gear Upgrade Strategy

CreativeTension891 highlights the importance of utilizing the upgrade bench to enhance your current gear and weapons. Overcoming gear score requirements is crucial for advancing in the game.

Materials and Crafting

CreatureofNight93 advises diversifying your crafting materials to improve gear quality. From infusions to charms, exploring new crafting avenues can elevate your gameplay experience.

Embark on your Nightingale adventure equipped with these invaluable insights into mastering early gear challenges. Venture forth, fearless gamer!