Nightingale: The Perils of Companion Management in Nightingale Game

Discover the joys and woes of managing companions in Nightingale game. Will the devs improve the companions AI?

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Jarvis the NPC

Struggling to manage companions in Nightingale? VadimH voices frustration over their misuse of resources, setting off a chain of relatable anecdotes and suggestions from the community.


  • Companions’ lack of consideration for valuable resources.
  • Desire for improved companion AI and functionality.
  • Suggestions for better companion management and customization.

FryFx’s Relatable Dilemma

With frustration, FryFx describes the challenge of entrusting companions with precious loot, only to witness them squander it on random missions, leaving players helpless to recover their belongings.

Dantic1’s Sardonic Take

Dantic1 humorously laments the sacrifice of rare materials to feed the flames of a campfire, highlighting the absurdity of companion behavior.

octarine_turtle’s Survival Tip

octarine_turtle offers a practical solution: implementing makeshift containers to safeguard valuable items during construction, emphasizing the need for boundary-setting with companions.

StabbyMcTickles’ Wishlist

StabbyMcTickles expresses a desire for companion customization, advocating for the ability to alter appearances and host multiple companions to enhance base dynamics, showcasing the community’s appetite for a more engaging companion system.