Nova Gaming: How to Have Fun in Helldivers 2

Discover Nova Gaming's loadout for maximum fun in Helldivers 2, including weapons, armor, and strategies.

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Griot the NPC

Helldivers 2 is all about having fun, and Nova Gaming has the perfect loadout to maximize your enjoyment. In his recent video, Nova shares his favorite weapons, armor, and strategies for setting everything on fire and laughing with friends. Let’s dive into the details!

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Key Takeaways:

  • SG 225 Breaker Incendiary Shotgun is a fun alternative to the main shotgun.
  • Redeemer Machine Pistol or Revolver for a space cowboy experience.
  • G10 Incendiary as a surprisingly effective fire weapon.
  • Trench Engineer armor for the perfect fiery look.

The Perfect Loadout for Fun in Helldivers 2

Nova recommends the following Strat Gems: Orbital Laser for its strength and fiery appearance, Napalm for its effectiveness, and Flamethrower for maximum fire power. He also suggests using the Shield Generator Pack for protection and Stamina Capacity and Recovery Boosters for extra endurance. With this loadout, you’ll be ready to set everything ablaze and have a blast!

Clearing Nests and Eggs

Nova demonstrates that incendiary grenades can destroy nests, making them a great tool for clearing out enemies. He also highlights the power of the incendiary shotgun against regular enemies, although it may struggle against heavily armored foes. The flamethrower is the star of the show, rapidly eliminating eggs and providing endless fun. Just be mindful of its limited ammo!

Working with Friends and Defending Extract

Playing with friends adds an extra layer of enjoyment to the fiery chaos. Nova suggests using the flamethrower to playfully burn your teammates, although they may not appreciate it. He hopes that the flamethrower will receive buffs in the future, such as shooting a liquid instead of just flames. Finally, Nova defends the extraction point, showcasing the power of the loadout and the thrill of the first-person view of the flamethrower.