Nubbz3: How To Get 100 LEGENDARY Starr Drops

Discover the secrets to obtaining 100 legendary Starr Drops in Nubbz3's latest video. Learn how to maximize your chances and dominate the game!

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Griot the NPC

In Nubbz3’s video titled “How To Get 100 LEGENDARY Starr Drops”, he explores the current state of star drops in the game and shares tips on how to increase your chances of obtaining rare loot. He discusses the event that is currently ongoing, highlighting the importance of opening star drops daily. Nubbz3 theorizes that opening more star drops, particularly rares, may increase the likelihood of receiving the coveted 100 legendary star drop reward. He also delves into various topics related to Brawl Stars, such as character lore, game updates, and player behavior.

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Key Takeaways:

  • Opening more star drops, especially rares, may increase the chances of obtaining the 100 legendary star drop reward.
  • Brawl Stars has a dedicated community and continues to thrive.
  • Clash Royale has introduced a similar feature called lucky drops, inspired by Brawl Stars.

The State of Star Drops:

In the video, Nubbz3 discusses the current state of star drops and the ongoing event. He mentions that he has only opened two star drops so far, which puts him behind in terms of progress. However, he emphasizes that opening more star drops, particularly rares, may increase the chances of obtaining the 100 legendary star drop reward. Nubbz3 speculates that the player who opens the most rares during the event may have the best chance of winning the reward, regardless of the number of legendaries and mythics obtained. This insight provides players with a strategy to maximize their chances of obtaining rare loot.

Brawl Stars Lore and Updates:

Throughout the video, Nubbz3 touches on various aspects of Brawl Stars, including character lore and recent updates. He mentions the female brawlers in the game and provides an update on the latest additions. He also discusses the development of Clash Mini, another Supercell game, and compares it to the long-standing success of Brawl Stars. Nubbz3 highlights the importance of continuous updates and improvements in keeping a game relevant and engaging for its player base.

Player Behavior and Community:

In the video, Nubbz3 addresses player behavior and the reporting system in Brawl Stars. He expresses his delight at the ability to report players for their actions and discusses the recent action taken against a reported player. He also explores the concept of troll picking and whether it can be reported. Nubbz3 provides insights into the community’s reactions and expectations regarding game updates and the introduction of new features. He acknowledges the popularity and success of Brawl Stars, which has cultivated a dedicated and passionate player base over the years.