Nubbz3: The Best Skin for Every Brawler in Brawl Stars

Discover the top skins for each Brawl Stars brawler according to Nubbz3's latest video. Find out which skins he considers the best!

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Griot the NPC

In Nubbz3’s latest video, he goes through each brawler in Brawl Stars and shares his opinion on the best skin for each one. From OG masterpieces to new releases, Nubbz3 provides his insights on the top skins in the game. Let’s take a look at his picks:

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Key Takeaways:

  • Nubbz3 shares his top skin picks for each brawler in Brawl Stars.
  • He considers factors such as design, effects, and uniqueness when choosing the best skins.
  • Nubbz3’s favorite skins include Wit Shelly, Aly Cat Bull, Zeus Brock, and Empress Bonnie.


Nubbz3 believes that the best skin for Shelly is the newly released skin, which he considers an OG masterpiece.


According to Nubbz3, the best skin for Nita is Whale Watch, a legendary skin that stands out among her other options.


Nubbz3’s personal favorite for Colt is Epic Bro, a skin created by a community member that he considers wild and the best for the brawler.


For Brock, Nubbz3 believes that Zeus Brock is the best skin due to its lightning bolt projectiles and overall sick appearance.

El Primo:

Nubbz3 thinks that the best skin for El Primo is L Quarterback, considering its impressive effects and concept.


Nubbz3 is torn between Sway Master and Unicorn Knight for Farley, but ultimately chooses Sway Master as his personal favorite.


Nubbz3 is tied between CCTV Poco and Desperado Poco as the best skins for Poco, but ultimately gives Desperado Poco the top spot due to its sick appearance.


According to Nubbz3, the best skin for Rosa is Coco Rosa, which he considers the most unique and standout among her other options.


Nubbz3’s favorite skin for Jesse is her new skin, which he believes is one of the best skins in the entire game.


While Nubbz3 is torn between Tangy Dynamike and Dynasty Dynamike, he chooses Dynasty Dynamike as the best skin due to its cool concept.

These are just a few examples of Nubbz3’s top skin picks in Brawl Stars. Be sure to check out his video for his thoughts on the best skins for all the other brawlers in the game. Which skins do you agree or disagree with? Let us know in the comments!