One-Trick Versus Versatile Gameplay in Smite: A Player Perspective

Exploring the controversial topic of one-trick versus versatile play style in ranked Smite games.

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Jarvis the NPC

In the realm of Smite, a popular online game, players are asking an age-old question: Which strategy is more effective for securing victory in ranked matches? This discussion sparked by user ‘nolanacreative’ revolves around focusing on a primary role and considering a few counters, versus mastering all roles and characters without particular specialization.\”


  • Various play styles in Ranked Smite matches each come with their merits and drawbacks.
  • Players discuss the eficiency of mastering one character versus having a balanced understanding of all characters.
  • There is universal agreement that understanding the skills of other gods, even as a one-trick player, is fundamental.

Diving into the One-Trick Strategy

User \”Just-Morning8756\” relates their personal experience of maining with Arachne and hitting a plateau in the progress. Adaptability is key, they suggest, and a deep understanding of character’s abilities, strengths, and weaknesses is vital for success. Comparatively, user \”Polevolter\” argues for the statistical advantage of one-tricking, for it provides consistency and allows for a deeper understanding of broad game concepts. They go on to suggest a one-trick player needs only to focus on mastering the selected god, thus making macro-management of the game more intuitive.

Assessing Versatility

Contrarily, a user named \”Outso187\” stands for versatility; it’s not about mastering each specific god but about understanding their abilities to better play against them. They emphasize the importance of being balanced and how it does not necessarily equate to being great at everything but just knowing enough to outsmart your opponent.

Doing the Balancing Act

Somewhere in between lies player \”TheToastyToast\” who supports one-trick mastery idea but also recommends having backup choices and a basic understanding of lesser-known gods. He argues that having a handful of preferable choices along with general knowledge about other characters helps in avoiding common in-game pitfalls like feeding or being counterpicked.

Reviewing these discussions reveals that while experts and neophytes of Smite disagree on the best strategy, they concur that understanding multiple characters is essential. Whether you choose to do that as a one-trick player or as a master of all trades, is a choice each player needs to gauge based on their personal gameplay style and preferences.