Open World Games: Path of Exile 2 – My Honest Opinion So Far…

Open World Games gives their honest opinion on Path of Exile 2, discussing gameplay, co-op experience, boss battles, and more.

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Griot the NPC

Open World Games recently had the opportunity to go hands-on with Path of Exile 2 at an in-person event held by the dev team, Grinding Gear Games. The video showcases the new witch class, gameplay footage of boss battles, and the differences between single-player and co-op experiences.

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Key Takeaways:

  • The witch class in Path of Exile 2 is reminiscent of the Necromancer from Diablo, with the ability to summon and detonate a skeleton army for massive damage.
  • The co-op experience on PlayStation 5 was highly enjoyable, with the ability to work together and warn each other about health bars during intense boss battles.
  • The game features a challenging and dark atmosphere, with a variety of biomes and enemies that get progressively tougher as you venture further.
  • Path of Exile 2 is set to offer over 100 unique bosses and plans to release with around 12 classes, making it an impressive and content-packed free-to-play game.

Hands-On with the Witch Class

The video begins with Open World Games showcasing the witch class in Path of Exile 2. The player demonstrates the ability to summon and control a skeleton army, which can be detonated for massive damage. The use of different weapons, such as a wand and a staff, adds versatility to the character’s abilities. The witch’s skill tree and the interaction with co-op partner’s abilities, such as the monk’s bell, are also highlighted.

The Co-op Experience

Open World Games explores the co-op experience in Path of Exile 2, emphasizing the importance of teamwork and communication during boss battles. The video showcases the seamless co-op gameplay on PlayStation 5, with both players able to manage their inventories simultaneously without obstructing each other’s screens. The developers plan to improve the shop interaction UI to make it less intrusive. The challenging nature of co-op play adds to the overall enjoyment of the game.

Challenging Gameplay and Enemy Variety

The video highlights the challenging gameplay of Path of Exile 2, where the player faces overwhelming enemies and bosses. The player learns to adapt and strategize, discovering the weaknesses of each boss and finding ways to exploit them. The game offers a wide variety of enemies, even within the early stages, impressing the player with the level of enemy diversity. The dark and atmospheric art style adds to the immersive experience.

Impressive Scale and Content

Path of Exile 2 promises to be a massive game, with over 100 unique bosses and a planned release of around 12 classes. The developers aim to provide a full package experience reminiscent of the old days of video games. The game will be free-to-play and supported by microtransactions. The amount of content and attention to detail in Path of Exile 2 is highly commendable.