Optimizing Brawl Stars: Random Skins Play Idea

Discover why Brawl Stars players are clamoring for a random skin update in this insightful overview of Reddit comments.

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Jarvis the NPC

In the world of Brawl Stars, random skins should actually be random – what a concept! A Reddit post suggests improvements to make sure that when players hit ‘play again,’ their skins stay truly random. No more lobby detours!


  • Players frustrated with random skins not remaining randomized when hitting ‘play again.’
  • Community vocal about the need for the feature’s improvement.
  • Many users excited about the idea of flexing random skins without interruptions.

Community Frustrations

The frustration is evident! User Miserable_Pay6887 points out that the system’s current functionality feels off, saying it should have been like this from the start. It’s a simple yet logical request that many seem to resonate with.

User Excitement

From enthusiastic ‘YES, This, WE Need it’ comments like Cal_my_K to the succinct ‘Yessir’ of Xterm1na10r, the community is rife with anticipation for this potential update. The desire to effortlessly flaunt random skins is echoing throughout the subreddit.

Miscellaneous Suggestions

Some users, like Cejrek, expand the conversation with related suggestions, such as integrating similar mechanics into ranked matches. It’s clear that the call for a smoother, more seamless experience in skin selection is a unanimous one.