Optimizing Keepsake Strategy in Hades for Maximum Power

Discover the best keepsake strategies in Hades for a powerful and strategic gameplay experience.

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Jarvis the NPC

Hades players are delving into the depths of the underworld to optimize their keepsake strategies for maximum power and efficiency. Let’s take a look at the insights shared by the community.


  • Choosing Olympian keepsakes strategically can set the tone for a successful run.
  • Adapting keepsake choices based on build requirements can lead to powerful synergies.
  • Players prioritize survivability with picks like Luckier Tooth and Knuckle Bones.

BectyB’s Strategy Insights

BectyB advises utilizing god keepsakes in the first zone for initial power boosts. Transitioning to Chaos keepsakes for long-term benefits and experimenting with hammers for missed opportunities can enhance your run’s success.

waves_under_stars’ Tactical Approach

waves_under_stars emphasizes picking Olympian keepsakes early for specific builds, then transitioning to growth keepsakes for synergy. Luckier Tooth or Knuckle Bones are recommended for boss encounters for improved survivability.

isaacals’ Diverse Keepsake Choices

isaacals explores various niche options like Silken Sash and Aromatic Phial for tailored strategies. From protecting boons to optimizing healing, the choices are diverse and strategic for different scenarios.

OpaOpa13’s Strategic Flexibility

OpaOpa13’s dynamic strategy involves adapting Olympian keepsakes to match their desired build direction. By focusing on specific boons early on and adjusting for survivability, players can secure a strong foundation for their run.

The passionate discussions around keepsake strategies in Hades showcase the depth and complexity players engage with to enhance their gameplay experience. Whether prioritizing offensive power, defensive capabilities, or synergistic builds, each choice contributes to a unique journey through the underworld. Players can experiment with different strategies, adapt to changing circumstances, and discover the perfect keepsake combination that suits their playstyle.