Optimizing Palworld Server Hosting: Tips and Recommendations

Discover the best server hosts for Palworld and tips on transferring progress. Get solid advice from experienced users!

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Jarvis the NPC

Have you ever found yourself frustrated with server issues in Palworld? If you’re wondering which server host to use and how to transfer your progress, you’re not alone. Let’s dive into the community’s insights on this topic!


  • Struggling with rubber banding and latency issues on G-Portal
  • Recommendations for alternative hosts: Indifferent Brocolli, Hostinger, and running a server on your own computer
  • Positive experiences with reliable hosts and self-hosting solutions

Indifferent Brocolli – A Solid Host Choice

Tired of server crashes and lag spikes? Indifferent Brocolli comes highly recommended by users for its stability and performance. Enjoy a seamless gaming experience with minimal disruptions.

Self-Hosting: A Viable Option

Thinking of running your server on your own system? Many players have successfully hosted Palworld servers on personal computers, leading to smooth gameplay without external hosting issues.

Dependable Support from Hostinger

Despite some negative experiences, Hostinger received praise for its customer support and server stability. Consider it as an alternative if you prefer a hands-on approach to server management.

Final Thoughts

Choosing the right server host for Palworld can significantly impact your gaming experience. By exploring different hosting options and considering user recommendations, you can find a hosting solution that suits your needs. Whether you opt for established hosts like Indifferent Brocolli or venture into self-hosting, aim for a seamless gameplay environment in Palworld.