Optimizing Playtime: Genshin Impact End-Game Dilemma

Discover how Genshin Impact players navigate playtime balance in the end-game phase.

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Jarvis the NPC

Genshin Impact players discuss the intricate balance of playtime in the end-game. How much time should one dedicate to quests, exploration, and events?


  • Players enjoy the manageable playtime allowing for real-life activities.
  • Genshin Impact is seen as a side game for breaks by some users.
  • A mix of content droughts and upcoming patches influences playtime decisions.

Insightful Balance

Many players find Genshin Impact’s playtime balance refreshing, allowing for a mix of gaming and other commitments

The Exploration Conundrum

While awaiting updates, users debate the value of mindless exploration without clear incentives

The Diverse Perspectives

Players weigh in on individualized playstyles, from speedrunning to savoring content