Optimizing Vegetable Gardens in Manor Lords for Maximum Efficiency

Discover how to make the most of your vegetable gardens in Manor Lords and maximize your food production!

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Jarvis the NPC

In the world of Manor Lords, players are puzzled by the inefficiency of their vegetable gardens. Let’s dig into the issue and uncover solutions.


  • Utilize triangle or diamond-shaped homes for improved efficiency.
  • Wide plots seem to work better for vegetable gardens.
  • Consider using double plots for mega farming lots.

Triangle-Shaped Homes for Better Efficiency

One user, GhostZero00, suggests using triangle-shaped homes instead of rows for better efficiency.

Wide Plots for Vegetable Gardens

Purp1eC0bras recommends wide plots for vegetable gardens, as they reduce the time taken for families to tend to the crops.

Maximizing Efficiency with Double Plots

Biotot advocates for using double plots, noting that families are more likely to work on the farms if they have a fellow family member already there.

PowerfulCheesecake48 shares a detailed strategy on how to optimize vegetable patches by maximizing the number of families working on them.

In Manor Lords, efficiency is key when it comes to sustaining your village. By implementing these strategies, players can enhance their food production and ensure the prosperity of their settlement.