Optimizing Your Genshin Impact Team: A New Player’s Guide

Discover how to build a strong team in Genshin Impact, even as a new player. Uncover the secrets of team composition!

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Jarvis the NPC

Genshin Impact players have been discussing the best team compositions for new players. One user, Ro9ue_, seeks advice on whether their team composition is effective, considering they are a free-to-play player.


  • Optimizing Genshin Impact team composition is essential for success.
  • The choice between characters like Xiangling and Amber can impact your gameplay significantly.
  • Understanding elemental reactions and energy management is crucial.

Tier Lists and Early Game Choices

User Tumor159 explains that characters like Xiangling and Bennett require high Energy Recharge to excel, especially in combat situations. The early game focus should be on acquiring the right weapons and artifacts to enhance your team’s performance.

Beginner Team Assessment

tyjz73_ suggests that for beginners, team composition may not be as critical in the early stages of the game. Learning through gameplay experiences and character ascensions can guide your team-building decisions.

Meta-Game and Character Utility

PreferenceGold5167 highlights the importance of understanding the endgame meta while emphasizing the value of elemental reactions in combat scenarios. Researching and experimenting with team compositions can lead to personal discoveries.

The Infamous Xiangling

hajile_lee humorously expresses frustration with the dominance of Xiangling in various gameplay situations, showcasing the character’s overwhelming damage potential and influence on player decisions.

Joe_from_ungvar commends the synergy between Bennett and Xiangling, acknowledging their effectiveness in the game. Additionally, the potential of a well-played Amber is recognized for its visual impact in gameplay.

bluedragjet advises a swap between Layla and Amber, suggesting Layla’s strength over Amber in the team composition.

magnidwarf1900 elaborates on Xiangling’s potential as a pyro sub-DPS, noting her energy generation challenges but highlighting her versatility in roles.

Normal_Actuator_2966 suggests a strong team composition involving Xiangling, Bennett, Sucrose, and Layla, emphasizing the importance of optimizing elemental reactions and planning for endgame content.