Orange Juice Gaming: Phoenix was a TANK + SUPPORT + WIN CONDITION

Discover how Orange Juice Gaming used Phoenix as a tank, support, and win condition in this exciting Clash Royale video.

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Jarvis the NPC

Orange Juice Gaming explores the unique strategy of using Phoenix as a tank, support, and win condition in Clash Royale. With clever deck building and strategic gameplay, Orange Juice Gaming demonstrates the power of this unconventional approach. Check out the video below to see the exciting gameplay in action!

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Key Takeaways:

  • Phoenix can be used as a tank, support, and win condition all in one.
  • Deck building and strategy are crucial in making this unique approach work.
  • Using Phoenix as a tank can provide surprising advantages and openings.

The Power of Phoenix as a Tank

In the video, Orange Juice Gaming demonstrates how Phoenix can function as a tank, absorbing damage while allowing other troops to deal damage safely. By strategically placing Phoenix and supporting it with other troops, Orange Juice Gaming creates a strong offensive push that overwhelms the opponent.

Deck Building and Strategy

Orange Juice Gaming emphasizes the importance of deck building and strategy in making the Phoenix tank strategy work. By carefully selecting supporting troops and spells, Orange Juice Gaming creates a synergistic deck that maximizes the effectiveness of the Phoenix tank. This includes using spells like Freeze and Arrows to control the opponent’s troops and protect the Phoenix.

The Surprising Advantages of Phoenix as a Tank

Using Phoenix as a tank provides unexpected advantages in gameplay. Orange Juice Gaming showcases how the Phoenix’s ability to spawn additional clones can overwhelm the opponent’s defenses and create openings for devastating attacks. Additionally, the Phoenix’s high damage output and ability to target both air and ground troops make it a versatile and formidable unit.