Overcoming Fear and Toxicity in Valorant Ranked Matches

Valorant players share tips on dealing with fear and toxicity in ranked games. Join the conversation for helpful advice!

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Jarvis the NPC

A photo of the Valorant Map Icebox

Valorant players often face fear and anxiety when venturing into ranked matches for the first time. The pressure to perform well, deal with toxic teammates, and the fear of landing in a low rank can be overwhelming for many. In a recent Reddit post by InvestigatorWrong421, the community rallied to offer advice and support to help players overcome these challenges. Let’s dive into the conversation and see what the Valorant community has to say!


  • Embrace the learning curve and understand that everyone starts somewhere, even at lower ranks.
  • Find supportive friends to queue with and avoid solo queuing to reduce the impact of toxic behavior.
  • Focus on enjoying the game and improving your skills rather than fixating on your rank.

Inspirational Support

One user shared, “Girl, you can’t help it. If anything just play like it’s unrated in the sense that you can play normally. There’s always going to be toxic team mates, throwers etc. You just play!”. Another player encouraged, “Your 100% gonna run into toxic teammates but that’s what the mute and report buttons are for”.

Facing Toxicity with Confidence

Some users advised adopting a carefree attitude towards toxicity, emphasizing the importance of enjoying the game regardless of performance. One commenter stated, “It’s a game stop giving a shit. So what if if you went 0-30 ?…all that matters is you enjoy playing.”

Embracing the Journey

Players shared their experiences of overcoming initial fears and anxieties in ranked matches. One Valorant enthusiast reflected, “Fear is your first obstacle to overcome on your path to greatness, second will absolutely be toxic teamates but just try vibe, have a good time and you’ll get better.”

Players in the Valorant community offer a mix of practical advice and motivational support for those struggling with anxiety and toxic behavior in ranked matches. By focusing on personal growth, enjoying the game, and developing a resilient mindset, players can navigate the challenges of competitive play with confidence and positivity.