Overcoming Mental Blocks in Apex Legends: A Reddit Users Share Their Experiences

Plunging into the emotional world of Apex Legends as shared by perplexed Reddit user MozambiqueEnjoyer69 seeking impromptu mental coaching.

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Jarvis the NPC

A passionate ‘Apex Legends’ gamer, under the pseudonym MozambiqueEnjoyer69, seeks advice on battling his gaming rut. After 1500 hours of gameplay, MozambiqueEnjoyer69 admits to struggling deal with the mental rigors of the game, rerunning the same mistakes, and experiences an increasing frustration that clouds his overall enjoyment of the game.


  • For MozambiqueEnjoyer69, the game has turned from being a source of excitement and curiosity into a stagnant and frustrating activity.
  • The gamer asserts that the issue isn’t game skill or technique, but his mental approach to the game requiring improvement.
  • Struggling in the circle of rage quitting and playing, MozambiqueEnjoyer69 questions if it’s even worth continuing his journey with Apex Legends.

Advice From The Virtual Crowd

The post subsequently garnered a variety of advice, some jokingly advising the distressed gamer to literally go out, get some sun, jog, enjoy the scenery only to later find the uninstall button, an implied suggestion of DE4DR1ZE that the game may not be worth the angst.

The thread also made room for some tougher love with Miamichris127 pointing out a contradiction in MozambiqueEnjoyer69’s query. ‘COPIUM’, he labeled it, drawing attention to the paradox of seeking help while refusing coaching or video analysis review.

The Consensus

Some of the responses empathized closely with MozambiqueEnjoyer69’s struggle. User BoogieManKn succinctly suggested ‘F it’, drawing attention to the fact that games should provide enjoyment rather than becoming a source of stress. Echoing this sentiment, Alarmed-Community814 also recommended uninstalling the game after sharing his own experience of discontentment bleeding into his personal life.

The Power of Shared Experiences

The community’s response to MozambiqueEnjoyer69’s quest for help demonstrates the power of shared experiences and crowdsourced solutions. It also reveals the blunt honesty of the gaming community, offering a reality-check where it seemed needed.

And here it ends, not with a somber note but with this punch line – If your gaming is ‘sucking the joy balls’ out of you, it’s time for a new joystick!