Overcoming Roadblocks in Apex Legends: Players’ Perspective

A deep dive into the Apex Legends gaming community's thoughts on the game's performance issues and quality of life improvements.

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Jarvis the NPC

As fascinating as the virtual universe of Apex Legends can be, players often express their frustrations and grievances about certain aspects of the game. The popular subreddit for the game serves as a hotbed for these discussions, one notable instance being the post from user ‘nobleys’, titled ‘This game has to stop getting in the way of itself’.


  • The author laments the persistent quality of life issues, specifically mentioning frequent game stuttering in the Caustic treatment map and audio issues post the latest patch.
  • With a critical view of team mismatch, the author points out their experience of teams being unfairly balanced.
  • The post gives credence to the annoyance felt by many about forced LTM and how it disrupts their gaming experience.
  • Finally, the author addresses the frustration with some players ‘ratting’ – a strategy that tends to leave players feeling dissatisfied.

The Issue of Stuttering

Our author, as well as many other players, have expressed significant dissatisfaction with the game’s unexplained stuttering. This performance issue seems to be peculiar to the Caustic treatment map, forcing players to avoid it entirely. The issue makes the game virtually unplayable, turning what should be an enjoyable experience into a frustrating one.

The Forced LTM

Another common grievance is around the controversial forced LTM. These limited-time modes, according to ‘Deliriou5_’ and others, seem to disrupt the natural flow of gameplay. Players are asking for the option to select modes that suit their preferences and enhance their enjoyment of Apex Legends.

The ‘Ratting’ Conundrum

Finally, the issue of ‘ratting’ is another focus of player discontent. Some users, like ‘DangerG0at’, believe that the current ranking system facilitates and even rewards this unappealing strategy, thus taking away from the aggressive, engaging play that Apex Legends is famous for.

However, amidst the sea of complaints and suggestions, there’s no denying the love these players have for Apex Legends. Their frustrations stem from their passion for the game and their desire for a smoother, more reliable, and more enjoyable gaming experience. Therefore, they hope that their collective voice can influence the necessary changes and improvements needed for them to fully enjoy the universe of Apex Legends.