Overflowing Assets? A Unique Problem in Brawl Stars

Uncovering Brawl Stars players' peculiar problem of having too much of a good thing.

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Jarvis the NPC

Is having too much of something really a problem? That’s a predicament many Brawl Stars players find themselves in. In a recent discussion, players pour out their frustrations over the abundance of resources they can’t spend.


  • Players are frustrated with accumulating resources that have limited use in the game.
  • Many players have mentioned having too much gold, powers points (pp), and credits.
  • It’s clear the game’s economy could use some rebalancing to make these resources more valuable.

Too Much of A Good Thing?

“Colette mastery,” said user Nickname1945. Similarly, user Horror-Ad-3113 threw in, “Power Points.” These are just two of the many types of in-game resources players have amassed to absurd levels, leading to a peculiar situation where too much of a good thing is becoming a tad problematic.

Oops, Wrong Upgrade!

One particularly humorous account came from user No_Departure195 who shared, “The ability the click the right thing. I tried upgrading Colette to power 10 (I pulled her hypercharge from a starr drop) after I FINALLY got the coins to make ONE upgrade, and my stupidity upgraded PIPER to power 10 instead. Oh well.” Talk about a heartbreaking mix-up!

Gold Rush?

Mirroring the sentiments expressed by the community, user Averagehanklover stated, “We have the opposite problem, I have too much gold and too little powerpoints!” This points to inconsistencies in the game’s balance that can lead to a less than satisfactory gaming experience.

As we can see from this lively discussion, Brawl Stars players are dealing with an interesting conundrum. Having too many resources seems to be a bad thing when you’ve got nowhere to spend them. Will these issues be addressed by the developers? Only time will tell.