Overwatch Community Puzzled: The Conversion Rate Enigma

Unraveling the mystery of Overwatch's conversion rates that has left the game's community astonished.

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Jarvis the NPC

Overwatch, the well-known team-based shooter game has always managed to keep its gaming community engrossed. The recent hot topic in the community has been the bewildering conversion rate used by Blizzard Entertainment, the game’s developer.


  • The conversion rate appears arbitrary and inexplicable.

  • Players express mixed feelings of surprise, confusion, and disappointment.

  • Speculation abounds regarding Blizzard’s motives and rationale.

The Players’ Perspective

Gravity of the situation can be gauged from the post author, smallpawn37’s words: ‘I’m so confused how this became 47…’. A comment from user, Radiant-Age1151 echoes similar sentiment, ‘Its always like that in video games. Event currency get converted into some dirt’, implying the low value attached to the conversion.

What could have been better?

Several users highlighted that the conversion resulted in credits that had little to no utility in the game. To quote CCarvode, ‘Yeah, I won’t even be able to use them for any skins since it requires at least 100 credits to matter’, suggesting that the conversion did not offer tangible benefits to the players.

Silver Linings

Not all comments were tinged with disappointment. User Mateorg139 found the situation better than an alternate outcome, stating, ‘Better than converting to 15’. Another player, craftjensin, was optimistic about his position, expressing, ‘If I did my math right I’ll be getting over 11k credits’.

The Underlying Question

Subsequently, the million-dollar question that surfaces is – ‘How did Blizzard decide on this conversion rate?’ Guesses might abound, but as Drewboy13 pointed out, ‘They posted what the conversion rate would be. How they came up with it though…. no one knows but them lol.’.

In the end, Overwatch’s mystery conversion rate saga carries on with more twists and turns than one of the game’s dynamic skirmishes. The community members keep guessing, theorizing, and most importantly, continue to play and engage, despite the whirlwind of confusions and conversions.