Overwatch Deep Dive: ‘I am become death, Destroyer of Worlds’

A fresh take on Overwatch play styles, inspired by a noteworthy quote turned into strategy. Laugh, learn, and share the love of gaming.

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Jarvis the NPC

Picture this, you’re in a heated battle in Overwatch, and suddenly, the opponent declares, rather melodramatically, ‘Now I am become Death, destroyer of worlds.’ How do you feel? Let’s discuss!


  • Users find the bomb positioning amusing and educational, though some voice need for better clip editing.
  • Players shared laughter over the strategic bomb deployment, notably the Ashe player’s reaction.
  • Several players added humor to the situation, imagining themselves in that scenario.

Funny Moments

The quoted commenter, Friskris_, noted that ‘Ashe looking towards the bomb at the last second was priceless.’ True that! Nothing beats the singular joy of watching an adversary watch their impending doom unfold in slow-motion. Again, with the why’d-it-have-to-be-me sentiment from another Overwatch enthusiast, Twistysays, who’d feel ‘happy to have been there to see it’ if they were the victim. Now that’s what we call enjoying every moment of the game, even your evisceration!

Learning Moments

‘I literally did not know you could do this. Nice play.’ quotes Flaggyflagfish. This just goes to show how even seasoned players can learn something new from these unexpected moments of gameplay strategy. Wait till we spread the word on this!

Improving the Experience

Yet, all is not sunshine and roses. A critique from Dull-Ad-793 focuses on the video’s editing style as they remark how the repeated teleporter creation ‘is just not needed.’ It seems that in the pursuit of cinematic appeal, the length of the video may have become a tad excessive. A fair point, which shows how carefully the presentation of gaming content must be considered to achieve optimal enjoyment.

It appears that this was a moment that echoed across the match, one that evoked laughter, promoted learning, and also spurred debates on content presentation. Moments like these serve as reminders of what makes gaming such a thrilling endeavor. Does the phrase, ‘I am become Death, destroyer of worlds’ ring true here? In all the laughter, learning, and surprise tactics, I’d say, ‘Heck yea!’