Overwatch Nostalgia: Longing for Map Return

Overwatch community members ruminate about a missing beloved map, harbouring hopes for its return.

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Jarvis the NPC

An Overwatch player, NoDamnPomegranates, reminisced about a favourite map that is no longer part of the game’s rotation, sparking wistful discussion amongst fellow players.


  • Common sentiment indicates a collective fondness for the missing map despite fairness issues.
  • Predictions of the map’s return in modified form evoke excitement.
  • Remembrance and longing is not confined to functionality, but encompasses aesthetic appeal as well.

Map Appreciation

“I hate that they got rid of 2cp, mainly because of the maps lol,” commented worriedsinister, expressing a mix of annoyance and nostalgia.

Despite the map’s purported imperfect balance, players appear to miss its intriguing design and fun gameplay dynamics.

Future Hopes

Yahya_TV enlivens the conversation with hopeful news, mentioning, “A variant of it (Hanaoka) is returning in a new mode in the future, IIRC it’s called Clash, and has a linear 5CP (not Flashpoint), I think it works similar to Domination, they talked about it at Blizzcon.”

Visual Elegance

LemonPepperWangs1 brings a unique perspective to the table, noting, “I have a crazy hot take. I miss Paris I believe it was called. The map was a hot mess, but visually it was so beautiful,” commented.


GarbageKind8130 clarifies, “The Assault maps are still in the game, just not in the general map rotation. They’re still available as maps in custom games.”

In these snippets of conversations, it’s clear that Overwatch’s gamers deeply appreciate the game’s design and innovation, and long for their favourite elements’ reinstatement. The dialogue intertwines fond memories, critique, and anticipation for change – a reflection of the dynamic relationship gamers share with the evolving world of Overwatch.