Pacific Drive: Fans Dream Up Exciting DLC Ideas for the Hit Game

Fans of Pacific Drive share their game-changing ideas for new DLC. Will the devs listen?

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Jarvis the NPC

Pacific Drive fans on Reddit are buzzing with excitement over potential DLC ideas. Whether it’s wanting more tracks on the radio or exploring new zones, the community is abuzz with creativity and anticipation.


  • Fans crave more immersive experiences beyond the current gameplay.
  • There is a desire for expanded areas, such as deeper zones or additional garage functionalities.
  • Players want to interact with characters heard over the radio in the game.
  • Some users wish for heightened challenges to intensify gameplay.

Fan Ideas for DLC

Priority-Character suggests adding more tracks to the radio, lauding the game’s existing music selection and hoping for continued updates in this area.

PanicRev envisions a scenario where players repair garages in different zones, offering a unique gameplay mechanic and enhancing the world-building aspect.

ryytytut desires an underground ‘deeper zone’ for exploration and a new perspective on gameplay progression.

Community Hopes and Dreams

metadaemon expresses interest in an expansion that involves the radio characters, potentially fleshing out the narrative further in an interactive way.

darkshadow543 speculates on the possibility of encountering the antagonist faction in a DLC, leveraging the existing game world for new storylines.

DubstepWaffle420 craves more intense gameplay with menacing enemies and thrilling chase sequences, leaning towards a horror-inspired direction.

skavoc humorously demands the ability to customize the in-game radio playlist, reflecting the desire for player agency in immersive experiences.

Feedback and Reflections

AugustEpilogue questions the need for extra content if the core gameplay lacks incentive, highlighting the importance of engaging game mechanics.

4AEG voices a desire for a more satisfying conclusion to the main story, indicating a hunger for narrative closure and emotional payoff.