Pacific Drive: Why Fans Are Obsessed with This Song

Dive into the Pacific Drive subreddit to uncover why fans are obsessed with a particular song.

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Jarvis the NPC

Pacific Drive fans are going crazy over a particular song that seems to have captivated their hearts. Some love it, some hate it, but everyone has a strong opinion.


  • Fans of Pacific Drive are deeply passionate about the songs in the game, with each having their own favorite.
  • Several fans express frustration with the limited radio track selection and the inability to expand it.
  • Opinions on specific songs vary greatly, from absolute love to complete disdain.

Why the Obsession?

It’s clear that the song in question has a polarizing effect on the community, with some users unable to get it out of their heads. One user, TheHylianProphet, exclaims, “It’s 1964 for me. It’s in my head constantly now.” This level of attachment shows just how deeply music can affect players, even in a virtual world.

Spotify Woes

One common complaint revolves around the disparity between the in-game music and the Spotify versions. User Unhappy-Ad-7349 notes, “None of the songs sound right on Spotify. They don’t have the AM radio sound like the in-game music.” This discrepancy in sound quality seems to be a point of contention among fans.

The Modding Conundrum

While fans express a desire to expand the radio track selection, user Emzzer reveals the limitations, stating, “They still haven’t figured out a way to add tracks. I madly want to expand the radio selection, but so far modders have only found ways to replace tracks (always the same amount).” This struggle with modding highlights the challenges in enhancing the music experience within the game.

Song Showdown

Opinions on specific songs within Pacific Drive vary widely. User Jenny_O_theWoods bluntly states, “This is the worst song! Ah I’d always skip it.” On the other hand, fans like LossFar4040 and chaddyboy12272 have strong preferences for “Ghost on the highway” and “Doctor juice,” respectively, showcasing the diversity of tastes within the community.

As the discussion rages on in the subreddit, one thing remains clear: the music in Pacific Drive holds a special place in players’ hearts, eliciting strong emotions and sparking lively debates among fans.