Palworld: Building a Sphere and More on the Moon Base

Read about a Palworld player's epic journey to build a sphere on their main base, and see how the community reacts!

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Jarvis the NPC

Plunge into the world of Palworld where Amadis_Anguiano embarks on a monumental task of constructing a sphere for their main base.


  • Embarking on a quest to construct a perfect sphere
  • Overcoming challenges of geometry in Palworld
  • Celebrating the accomplishment in the game world

Challenges and Triumphs

Amadis_Anguiano shares the painstaking process of translating a geometric dream into Palworld reality, facing setbacks, but ultimately emerging victorious.

Community Reactions

From comparisons to space stations to playful banter about moon bases, the Palworld community applauds the dedication and creativity showcased by Amadis_Anguiano.

Palworld’s Spherical Wonders

Exploring the intricacies of design and determination in Palworld, the saga of the spherical base stands as a testament to players’ ingenuity and perseverance.