Palworld: Building Dreams and Half-Walls

Join the conversation on Reddit about the latest construction ideas in Palworld!

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Jarvis the NPC

Palworld fans are buzzing with ideas for new construction features, from half-walls to max level pal beds. One user suggests a tent for field bases, sparking a debate on practicality versus aesthetics. Another dreams of spiral staircases and railings, while some advocate for corner stairs and roof corners to enhance base design.


  • Half-walls and additional stair options are in high demand.
  • Debate between practicality of tents versus elaborate pal beds.
  • Interest in corner stairs and roof corners for enhanced base design.

Building Blocks: Half-Walls and More Stairs

Palworld players are clamoring for new construction features, with half-walls taking the spotlight. These fence-height walls would add a new dimension to base building, providing both form and function. The desire for more stair options, including spiral staircases and stairs with railings, reflects the community’s thirst for creativity in design.

Tent Talk: Practicality versus Aesthetics

The suggestion of a tent as a field base alternative to a max level pal bed has sparked a lively discussion. Some players appreciate the simplicity and mobility of a tent, while others argue for the luxury and customization possibilities of a fully-fledged pal bed. The debate touches on the balance between practicality and aesthetics in Palworld.

Design Details: Corner Stairs and Roof Corners

Enhancing base design is a hot topic among Palworld enthusiasts, with calls for corner stairs and roof corners to add flair to constructions. The idea of step-pyramid-like structures and smoother transitions in entrances hints at the community’s penchant for unique and visually appealing bases. Railings for stairs also garner interest, showcasing the attention to detail and functionality desired by players.