Palworld: Butchering Mishaps and NSFW Characters – Reddit Review

Join the hilarious mishaps of players trying to butcher in Palworld, turning into NSFW characters!

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Jarvis the NPC

Palworld players share hilarious accounts of butchering mishaps turning them into NSFW characters. From pixelated glitches to reporting bugs, the community finds humor in the chaos.


  • Players find humor in pixelated glitches, turning into NSFW characters.
  • Community shares bug reports, showcasing dedication to improving the game.
  • Hilarious suggestions like turning the mishap into a skin amuse players.

Palworld Pixellation Glitch

Palworld player RadishRedditor shares a funny anecdote of butchering pals for fire organs, only to have the pixelation glitch stick to them like an NSFW character.

Community Engagement

Comments show active participation with bug reports and humorous reactions to the mishap, creating a lively and supportive atmosphere within the Palworld community.

Humor Amid Chaos

Despite the pixelated mishap, players find light-hearted fun and creativity in suggesting future in-game features like NSFW character skins, showcasing the community’s resilience and sense of humor.

Players in Palworld encounter unexpected twists and glitches while pursuing their in-game goals, leading to hilarious moments and shared laughter within the community. The supportive and engaging environment fosters creativity and camaraderie, turning even the pixelated mishaps into memorable experiences.