Palworld Collaboration with Discord: A Mix of Excitement and Indifference

Check out the new Palworld collaboration with Discord for some fancy icon cosmetics!

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Jarvis the NPC

Palworld fans are buzzing with excitement over the new collaboration with Discord to introduce icon cosmetics.


  • Players are excited about the new cosmetics but have mixed feelings about limited time offers.
  • Returning players hope for new servers to enhance the update experience.
  • The community showcases a mix of enthusiasm and indifference towards the collaboration.

Excitement Over New Cosmetics

ZynithMaru praises the marketing strategy of limited time cosmetics, expressing a desire to purchase some of them. However, they hope for new servers to accommodate returning players.

Mixed Feelings on Limited-Time Offer

xinuchan is eager to acquire the new cosmetics but seeks guidance on how to obtain them, reflecting the community’s excitement but also confusion surrounding the collaboration.

Indifference and Acceptance

TwychTwych showcases a balanced view, showing interest in purchasing despite reservations about the fear of missing out, highlighting the diverse sentiments within the community.

OwlWelder’s humorous reference to /r/cursedimages adds a touch of levity to the discussion, capturing the varied reactions towards the collaboration.

The announcement triggers emotional responses, with NommySed expressing sadness over missing content while ToBeDeletedYep humorously points out the obvious profit incentive behind the collaboration.