Palworld: Don’t Summon Bellanoir – A Cautionary Tale for Solo Players

Discover the dangers of summoning Bellanoir in Palworld and why solo players should tread carefully.

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Jarvis the NPC

Palworld can be full of surprises, especially when it comes to summoning Bellanoir, as one Reddit user found out the hard way at level 34.


  • Summoning Bellanoir can result in devastating consequences, leading to the loss of your best base.
  • Players recommend avoiding summoning her when playing solo, as the difficulty level can be overwhelming.
  • Creating a separate base specifically for the summon can be a strategic way to tackle Bellanoir.

ZoeTwily’s Insight

ZoeTwily humorously remarked, “I was honestly expecting some silly text like ‘For more information, search ‘Bellanoir rule 34’.'” It seems the element of surprise in Palworld can lead to unexpected outcomes.

Negative-Passion-11’s Lesson

Negative-Passion-11 shared their experience, stating, “I learned that lesson the hard way.” It appears that encountering Bellanoir can be a tough lesson for many players.

Mountain–Majesty’s Recommendation

Mountain–Majesty suggested, “Create a rando base with nothing for it! Doesn’t hurt to try it anytime, really.” This alternative approach highlights the diverse strategies players adopt in Palworld.

TPsyko’s Warning

TPsyko provided a cautionary tip, mentioning, “There is literally a warning that she will destroy your base when you summon her.” Players are advised to prepare adequately before facing Bellanoir to avoid catastrophic losses.

LincR1988 and bridgeboy16 also shared their insights on battling Bellanoir in Palworld, emphasizing the importance of preparation and strategic gameplay.