Palworld Fans Discuss Rare Recolored Versions and More

Palworld fans debate the importance and appeal of rare recolored versions of pals and suggest new features to enhance customization.

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Jarvis the NPC

Palworld fans on Reddit are sharing their thoughts on rare recolored versions of pals and suggesting new features.


  • Fans desire more unique physical traits for subspecies besides just color.
  • Some players express disappointment at the lack of shiny variants.
  • Suggestions for customizable color palettes and new features are proposed.

Mix of Opinions

Some fans, like Marty2341, appreciate subspecies with distinct physical traits beyond color, citing examples like Inceneram noct and Mossanda lux. Others, like SergeantDaRkS, express disappointment at the absence of shiny variants but still appreciate certain pals in specific forms. However, not everyone is pleased, as uglinick compares the concept to a low-quality kids game.

Customization Ideas

On the customization front, dellboy696 suggests a paint gun tool to allow players to personalize the color palette of any pal, adding a new level of customization to the game.

Overall Reflections

The discussion highlights the diverse preferences among Palworld players, from desiring more unique subspecies traits to seeking enhanced customization tools. While some express discontent with the current system, others offer creative solutions for a more personalized gameplay experience.