Palworld: Fans Discuss the Most Useless Additions in the Latest Update

Discover what the community thinks about the new Palworld update and its useless items.

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Jarvis the NPC

Palworld subreddit users are buzzing about the most useless additions in the recent update. BremeLW started a thread asking the community to chime in on what they considered to be the least practical items added to the game.


  • Users find the Meteor Launcher and certain NPCs to be underwhelming in functionality.
  • The lack of compatibility between some weapons and appropriate ammo stands out as a frustration.
  • A bug regarding the Blazamut Ryu causing the player to regain slabs repeatedly was also highlighted.

Animations for the Crushers: Aesthetically Pleasing but Lacking in Substance

One user, christoph_win, commented on the aesthetic appeal of the Crushers’ animations but pointed out their lack of real usefulness.

Underwhelming Weaponry: Grenade Launchers and Gatling Guns

Demonking3343 expressed disappointment in the performance of the grenade launcher and Gatling gun, citing low power as the main issue. They, however, praised the new laser rifle for its effectiveness.

The Mysterious Case of Moonflower Genin and Jonin

TodorokiShoto17 raised the issue of the Moonflower Genin and Jonin being violent NPC opponents without any worthwhile drops, despite their cool weapons and attacks.

Bugs Galore: The Perplexing Blazamut Ryu Issue

Mahmut11dd highlighted a bug involving the Blazamut Ryu that caused players to consistently receive slabs upon its defeat, hinting that it might be a programming error.

Questionable Content: Meteor Launcher’s Ammo Woes

Gwalir criticized the Meteor Launcher for being inaccessible until a significantly higher level than when it’s unlocked, due to the unavailability of its ammo. The lack of ammo drops in-game led to frustration among players.

Update Woes: Technical Difficulties in the Game

Wonderful-Gift6716 touched on a different aspect, expressing frustration with the update causing disruptions in dedicated servers, leading to technical issues for players.

As the Palworld community navigates the latest update, opinions vary on what additions truly enhance gameplay and which fall short. From bugs to balance issues, players continue to engage in lively discussions, sharing their experiences and suggestions for improvement.