Palworld: How Many Pals Do You Use Now? Strategies Revealed

Find out how players in the Palworld community are navigating their pal limits and base management. What's the ideal number of pals to have?

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Jarvis the NPC

Palworld players are debating the optimal number of pals to utilize in their bases. A recent Reddit post by Hot-Charge198 sparked a discussion on the current pal limits.


  • Players are divided on whether having more pals is beneficial or leads to overkill.
  • Some players prefer a balanced approach, optimizing the pal limits based on base level and resource requirements.
  • Lag becomes a concern for players pushing their pal count to the maximum limit.

Players’ Perspectives

Many players, like huntersood, find themselves using the maximum limit of pals in their bases, often exceeding what they feel is necessary. This sentiment is echoed by Damian030303, who acknowledges the fine balance between maximizing pals and base efficiency.

Sixsignsofalex94 takes a different approach, sticking to a lower number of pals to maintain a comfortable gameplay experience. This strategy reflects a conscious decision to prioritize game performance over sheer numbers.

Bearfoxman’s multi-base setup showcases a diverse range of pal distribution, emphasizing the importance of strategic placement and the roles different pals play in base management.

On the other hand, ZurEnArrhBatman’s experience highlights the trade-off between pal count and system performance, indicating a need to balance gameplay immersion with technical limitations.

Final Thoughts

As Palworld continues to evolve, players are adjusting their strategies to find the perfect balance between pal numbers, base efficiency, and overall gameplay experience. Whether opting for a minimalist approach or pushing the limits, each player’s choice contributes to the dynamic landscape of Palworld.