Palworld: Humans Are Actually Viable Now! What’s the Buzz on Reddit?

The latest update in Palworld has users buzzing over humans finally being viable. Find out what the chatter is all about!

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Jarvis the NPC

In the world of Palworld, the latest update has stirred up quite the excitement as users rejoice over humans finally being considered as viable options. The new Moonflower agents have proven to deal a significant amount of damage, prompting players to explore new strategies and possibilities. Moreover, the integration of pal skills with humans has sparked a wave of discussion among the player base.


  • The introduction of Moonflower agents has elevated the gameplay experience in Palworld.
  • Players are thrilled about the newfound viability of humans in the game.
  • Integration of pal skills with humans is a game-changer for many users.

Spike in Damage Output

Many users have reported a significant increase in damage output with the new Moonflower agents, leading to a more dynamic and engaging gameplay experience. The allure of harnessing this power has captivated players, driving them to explore different strategies and tactics to maximize their potential on the battlefield.

Human Viability Unleashed

The revelation that humans can now effectively utilize pal skills has sent shockwaves through the community. Players are excited about the prospect of incorporating humans into their teams and experimenting with diverse combinations to enhance their overall performance.

Ethical Concerns

While the majority of users are celebrating the newfound viability of humans in Palworld, some have raised ethical concerns about the notion of capturing and utilizing living beings for personal gain. This debate has sparked a meaningful dialogue within the community, highlighting the complex moral implications of such gameplay mechanics.